Category Archives: Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD disorder illness

First school established was in 1605. Children of the south, when we speak of the each races opposite natures or conditions rather, is to be active, social and free in expressions and intaking more of the reality from senses, like sounds, smells, eye visions and touch. The children of the west are a bit more detached in the original condition, more interested in not beeng controlled by others, but some have changed towards the south. When the first child, the one who is controlled but does not want to enter school he resists with all of his or hers power to escape the school domination. This is what creates the anxiety. The other child, the one who is more active and energetical will find it hard to seeze from the energy within him and wants to go out and play or be active and social. It is like when one wants to do something but is not allowed.

ADHD disorder illness

One becomes frustrated and anxietified. School is for the purpose of realizing the world but the teachings are negative lessons. This as well increases for the second type of child to become restless. School is also there for creating a future work for children, so what happens is that all who want to experience what the elders could not or did not want to are actually “sitting time in prison” to prepare for a world of the past that included wars, complex ways of looking at the world for the purpose of attaining an economical security and as well a forced interest choosment by an early stage where there is no personal choice. Aristoteles, a greek philosopher talked about the need for children to be children until they reach 10 years about. School is as well making the children detached sometimes from their parents making them loose comfort and security that might be as well a cause that increases a more negative social relation to the children. Again, this done sometimes by some parents who themselves got cought up with the same school lifestyle.

ADHD is a definition of multiple conditions. Here are the signs you should look for:

Three most known symptoms:

Bodily uncomfort.

Concentration problems.


These symptoms must show before the age of 6 and must be present in the persons life, like home, in free time, in school and such) The condition is called often ADD when the bodily discomfort lacks. Behaviour problems as well are present. About half of the person who have ADHD have behaviour problems. Those problems can be like refusing to obey different rules and/or are mad. Some can have severe anger attacks.

Other problems:
Persons with ADHD have also often other problems or delayed language development, learning disabilities and they can motorically be slow. Some struggle with difficult emotions like anxiety and sadness and some have as well other pscychological disorders. ADHD exists on persons who are both highly intelligent and not.

Strong sides: Persons with ADHD are often very good at starting projects. The high activity level makes them do many things. Often they can do things that others have never seen done before. Many come in contact with others easy. Amongst the greatest scientists and other known people there are persons with ADHD.

How does life turn out for them?
Many manage to succeed in life and learn good strategies to plan their lifes. But, ADHD can be a difficult condition to live with, both for ones self and family and can lead to serious complications. Humans with ADHD are more than others likely to experience negative experiences like emotional problems and school difficulties. In serious cases this can lead to substance abuse and crime. Big investigations have shown that getting good help, often with small efforts, one can change this easily.It is important for the person suffering from ADHD disorder to get help quick. One assumes that half of those suffering with this disease will come out of it, the discomfort, concentration problems and impulsive actions. For some crime, emotional problems and substance abuse follows them all their lifes. It is not so easy to separate those who have ADHD and those who are normal but have a bit high activity level or lower concentration than others. It is when the problems occure in day life, like school and family that decides whether one will get the diagnose ADHD.

Reasons for ADHD.

When a child has ADHD one can often find family members who have similar problems. ADHD occures more frequently in children who are born too early or have low birth weight. It can also be connected to poison or intoxifications in pregnancy.

Infant and small children. (0-6 years)
When one talks to parents of children with ADHD one often receives worries starting off when their child(ren) were infants. The child had maybe problems sleeping or they had problems feeding it. Some worry about development of language and movement. Sometimes bodily discomfort started early in ones first year.

After the children become older one kan often hear from parents that these worries have increased or changed. Whilest other children are interested in playing with their small friends their child might have gotten angry and used violence, it find its own ways, like playing alone, destroyed the games of others or developed an increased bodily discomfort. Many of such children have often rage attacks that can last for hours. In the kidneygardens these problems are talked about to their parents.

Schoolchildren (7-12 years).
In school there are more demands of order and concentration. Worries will now mostly come cause of the discomfort. It is difficult to sit still and listen to ones teacher. The child doesnt hear what the teacher is saying, the other children ignore him because he just “destroys their games”.

Teens (13-18 years)
With teenagers the situation will vary from person to person. The picture gets more difficult to see. Some problems one grows away from. Some will come out of the problems in this age. Others will keep them and will grow into emotional problems and behaviour problems that will dominate this picture.The bodily discomfort is not so obvious no more, at least not from the outside. Some need to do something all the time to get relief from the discomfort. Many struggle with difficulties that they now start to put words on. They blame either themselves or others for their problems. School performance can be low. Support from family and friends, together with good skills and confidence will help persons suffering from ADHD disorder later in life.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


ADHD is a condition that is not only hard on the child, but difficult for the parents. Not only are they faced with raising a child who lacks the ability to focus and is hyper most of the time, they must also help the child cope with the challenges he will face educationally. While it can be a long road for all involved, it is not hopeless; the key to successful management of the symptoms is educating yourself about the condition.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

What It Is

ADHD is a condition that affects a child’s ability to sit for any period of time, as well as focus on and complete tasks they are given.

Why It Occurs

ADHD affects the chemical messengers in the brain that control activity and attention. If certain hormone levels, such as dopamine, in these messengers are too low or too high, symptoms will present themselves.


Children with ADHD may be impulsive, easily distracted, unable to sit for even short periods of time and show an inability to complete tasks.


Children are usually diagnosed once they enter school. Parents and teachers will complete behavioral evaluation sheets, which are then given to the child’s doctor. He will proceed with a complete physical and neurological exam.


ADHD is typically treated with medications that decrease a child’s hyperactivity and increase the ability to focus and listen.

Famous Ties

There are many celebrities and people in history who have had or do have ADHD. They include Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Tom Cruise, Jim Carrey and Bill Gates.


Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment in Children


Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, is diagnosed in up to 5 percent of American children. ADD (and the related disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurological problem that affects the way a child perceives and deals with distractions. The American Academy of Pediatrics says there are many ways to treat it, most involving medication and behavioral counseling. Your pediatrician has the knowledge to treat most cases of ADD in children.

Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment in Children


Medication is the first-line treatment against ADD in children. Stimulant medications, such as Ritalin, Adderall, Focalin and Vyvanse are the most commonly prescribed stimulants for ADD.

Non-Stimulant Medication

Non-stimulant medication is also used as a treatment for some children with ADD. Medications like Strattera and Clonidine affect levels of dopamine, a powerful neurotransmitter, in the brain.


Supplements such as magnesium, zinc and fish oil are also popular non-prescription treatments for ADD.


The American Academy of Pediatrics says psychological or behavioral counseling is an important aspect of treatment of ADD in children. While medication can control symptoms, counseling can help children deal with their differences.

Behavior and ADD

Some behaviorists think ADD can be controlled solely by counseling and behavioral conditioning, such as reward systems for good behavior.

Misdiagnosing ADD

A significant number of cases of ADD in children are actually other conditions that have been misdiagnosed, such as Asperger’s Syndrome or Bipolar Disorder. If your child with ADD does not respond well to conventional treatment, a psychologist or psychiatrist can look into other possible diagnoses.