Category Archives: Health

Mental health and tobacco

Of those who smoke tobacco the group of the most frequent smokers are also those who suffer from psychological disorders and are those who have most difficulties quiting the smoke, according to Washington Posts Steven A Schroeder, director of Smoking Cessation Leadership Center.

Mental health and tobacco

Tobacco the sillent killer

Scientists also found out that the tobacco companies directly market to mentally sick persons. The connection between smoke and anxiety and depression is strongest amongst women and younger persons. Three of four smokers who know well the risks of smoking wants to stop. Some types of antidepressents can help one to stop smoking. Many feel that the tobacco helps them stress down and for them smoking is a way of dealing with their problems. Long time effect though are breathig problems and more anxiety.

In USA there are about 50% – 80% persons with psychological disorders who smoke cigarettes, where 20% of the population where they live are tobacco smokers. Those with psychological disorders also smoke more than others and are willing to smoke cigarettes all the way down to the filters. This means that 44% of all cigarettes sold in USA are sold to mentally ill. At some mental hospitals like in Norway tobacco is given free. Those who quit smoking increase self confidence and well beeng, some claim that psychotic patients, by quitting smoke, can reduce their dosages of antipsychotic medicine.

This high trend of smoking tobacco amongst mentally sick persons as well decrease life duration, psychologically ill persons die about 25 years in average before the general population. Ask your doctor if you smoke tobacco about how you can quit. To decide mentally is important so prepare your thoughts and use this book from Allen Carr, “Stop smoking “, a book that has had success making tobacco smokers quit.