Category Archives: Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder illness

Bipolar disorder was earlier named manic depression psychosis. Whilest schizophrenia in simpel turns can be described as interruption of how a person thinks bipolar disorder kan be called an interruption of how a person feels. This is a usual disease. It affects one out of 100 at a point of ones lifetime and about twice as many women than men. During present time it is as many as 1/3 persons with active symptoms of bipolar disease as with schizophrenia. One of the reasons is that medication easier controls the symptoms of bipolar, so the chances of getting better is a lot better. Whilest the psychotic episodes are negative and as well binding many with bipolar disorder will work well during the episodes.
Bipolar disorder illness

Bipolar effective disorder:

Bipolar effektive disorder is when the sick have two or more episodes where the emotional and activity level is seriously disturbed. It can be a uplifted emotional state or a depressed state, or changes between those. Recurring episodes of hypomania or mania is clasified as bipolar disorder.

Below we have som more clasifications of bipolar disorder, such as:

* Bipolar effective disorder with actual episode of hypomania.
* or mania without psychotic episodes
* or mania with psychotic episodes
* or it can be tied to depression and is then called: Bipolar effective disorder, actual episode, mild or moderate depresjon
* or actual episode with serious depression without psychotic symptoms
* or actual episode with serious depression with psychotic symptoms
* or actual episode mixed, that will say patients who earlier have had an episode, hypomania, mania or mixed and have no fast changes between mania and depressive symptoms, or bipolar disorder in remision, that will say that have had the diagnose before and have no symptoms of effective disorder and neither had it in months.

Some have a variety of different episodes whilest others have series of depressive episodes whilest others again will have all sorts of combinations. The manic episode is a desperate try to keep the sadness away. Who hasn’t tried to force away negative thoughts by doing something else, like buying something? Persons experience strong changes in emotions, either very high up or very low. Illusions or hallucinations might occure. Those will act according to if a person is high or low.

Symptoms of mania can be:
Feeling irritated or excited.
Talk very fast.
Have many ideas to accomplish.
Sometimes one feels one can’t keep up with ones thoughts.
Having less sleeping need.
Be more active.
Drive irresponsible
Be very sexually active and uncritical.
Use huge and unrealistic amounts of money.

By symptoms of depression one can:
Feel down, nervous and with anxiety.
Need to cry a lot without any special reason.
Loose interest for things that usually makes one happy.
Sleep bad, often wake up early in the morning.
Having problems concentrating on simpel tasks.
Either go up or down in weight, have increased or decreased appetite.
Move slow or talk slow.
Think seriously of suicide, feel worthless.
Be sure of beeng suffering from a terrible disease.
Complain that there are a lot of physical diseases with ones body.

Humans who have cycles of sadness accompanied with highs have the typical symptoms of a bipolar disorder. That will mean they have symptoms on emotions. Some people have a numberous of manic episodes, others many depressive episodes whilest others have all possible combinations.

Manic episode:
This diagnose must only be used for a one time episode. One slipts up in mainly 3 groups:

Hypomania is defined by having an increased energy and activity. Less need for sleep. One feels good, often creative, finishes many tasks. Often one is more active in talking than usual, increased sexual energy. Sometimes it can go over to irritability but there are no hallucinations or illusions.

Mania without psychotic symptoms:
The sick changes the way of beeng, is more excited than usual, less critical when it comes to his own behaviour, that one feels regret for later. Sleeping need is less and the sick is easily distracted, cant hold one subject of theme during a conversation. Overactivity and lack of sleep wears out the patient.

Mania with psychotic symptoms:
The sick have the symptoms named above but as well have great thoughts of himself, hallucinations, often thoughts that talk to the sick. Often the thoughts are strange so that others around the sick does not know what he or she means, making usual conversations impossible.


What is Bipolar Disorder

I think the general symptom set can be agreed upon by all camps:

    • mood swings
  • and varying experiences with altered perceptions of reality

…seems to sum it up nicely.

What is Bipolar Disorder

But why this is and where one should go next is where all the conflict begins.

So please allow me to give you my answer to the question, “what is bipolar disorder?” This is based upon my own personal bipolar life (past-tense) and my having been a caretaker to bipolar people in two clinical settings for three years.

Bipolar is at its simplest, a symptom in its own right. It is a warning bell that your entire life needs an overhaul. Every aspect of you as a person, needs to be inspected, considered, repaired (if possible), done away with (if need be) or added to (if a hole is found.)

This is a big concept to get your head around for many. Especially those who know nothing except to take pills and stay that course. I know. I was also this for six years.

This may also seem deceptively ignorant of me or overly simplistic. I must still be sick, some have told me. I am kidding myself. I am in remission. I am….whatever.

What I am is well, going on 4+ years now and it didn’t start until I switched to my plan. But I digress.

The anxiety and depression symptom links above will clarify the details of what a bipolar person might feel in a day.

Let’s just look at the Big Picture:

What is Bipolar Disorder?

    • You are overwhelmed.
    • You are deficient in many things.
    • You are approaching life from the wrong angles.
    • You are giving time, energy and power to items best removed from your day.

Those four things are what need looking at.


Overwhelm is easy. More is coming at you than you can effectively process and act upon in any sort of proactive fashion. A big overwhelm comes in the form of crowds. A lesser problem of social anxiety can eventually bloom into raging bipolar if not dealt with as soon as possible. If you are at this level of the fight then you may want to pursue direct social anxiety help and possibly nip this thing in the bud. I couldn’t tolerate crowds for years. I hope that link helps.

You are deficient, mostly in nutrients that allow your bodymind to function properly. Yes. Bodymind. I wrote that on purpose. Your brain is not in a box outside of your body, contrary to how psychiatry treats it. The brain needs the body to be OK and the body needs the mind to be OK for either to have a hope of survival. They are one. What is bipolar disorder? It’s believing that, somehow, the ball of meat that makes up your northern aspect is not the continuation of your body above the neck. Own it. Then you can fix it.

Your heart even has neurons in it. Half its weight is neural cells. This was proven years ago in Scandinavia. Your heart thinks and talks to your brain. Mistreat your heart and the mind fails. This is fact. Sick in the body equals sick in the mind yet psychiatry treats the mind all by itself as if the obvious were not true.

You may be deficient spiritually, whatever that may mean to you. You may be deficient in other non-solid ways. Matters of the heart, matters concerning beliefs, matters regarding a personal philosophy that seems to be failing you, etc. Deficiency covers a lot of ground but I cover the tactics to refill these voids.

What is bipolar disorder? Not a chemical imbalance. A large part of it can just be a sick heart, be it emotionally or physically. Yet even these two things are frequently combined.

Bipolar can be triggered. You may walk around with the potential your entire life and be fine. Or you may suffer a loss so great, it gets kicked into gear. You may never have had it, had that loss never happened to you.

Your approach to life is taking you places the better part of you, your subconscious mind, knows to be wrong for your intended goals. Your true goals. The goals you frequently are not conscious of except in your most quiet, most personally honest moments. The big things you desire more than any, which scare the crap out of you in their seemingly impossible acqusition. You avoid the pursuit of these goals in your assumption that they’re unattainable.

You do this simply by living wrong. Choosing poorly. It’s easier to do things the bad way. Doing things right when no one is forcing you to is the hard way but the only way to true happiness. Become aware of this and watch what happens.

What is bipolar disorder? Well, to a very large part and in reference to what I just stated above, it is a failure to take responsibility for your life. That sounds cruel, especially if you’re currently struggling to just stay alive. I’ve been there too.

I am NOT saying “buck up and be a man/woman” or some such nonsense. I amempowering you! Knowing that a big piece of this is due to your level of responsibilty means you have an adjustable angle to work. The illness is not undefeatable! You have some say in this. A lot!

Worse than avoidance is the addition of problems caused by this wrongly-directed lifestyle you’ve chosen. In your attempt to stay comfortable, to not stretch, to not risk what’s worth risking, you strive to achieve in areas you should not be a part of. Maybe you were right at one point but that point has passed. These activities no longer fit what your heart knows you need to be doing to become what you were meant to become.

What is bipolar disorder? A heads-up from your heart to adjust your life heading. Evaluate your efforts. Justify their priority compared to what you know is important. Re-aim.

I’m not saying you need to tackle becoming President of the U.S., a great inventor or the next “big thing” in any area. Maybe it’s just to be a better dad, mom, sibling, friend, co-worker, son or daughter. Maybe someone just needs you to be a better version of what you are now so that they may thrive. They need you to step up. This is a smaller scale goal but with vastly more impactful implications for your personal growth.

Stop doing what you shouldn’t and start doing what you know you should.

What is bipolar disorder? To restate that sentence right above you: Not only are you not taking responsibility, you are racing from it. You are actively choosing to fail, in some way, if this part pertains to you. Reexamine your day to day choices both large and small. See if you could do better.

This is not a personal attack and not all of these problems will apply to everyone reading this. Also, these problems can be stronger in one area than others. It’s a hodgepodge kind of a thing.

Any one piece can affect all the other pieces. Take menopause, for instance. Moodiness and depression are sometimes associated with menopause. If you’re having difficulty at midlife, you may want to look at NursingMenopause for support and guidance. There is hardly another time in many women’s lives when their body feels not like their own. And rightly so. But bipolar can be an expression of this much larger issue. That’s just one example.

What is bipolar disorder? It’s your biggest wakeup call. Ever. As bad as it is, and it’s pretty damn bad for many of us, it is fixable. You were meant to do better. You need the healthiest body you can produce to do it. You need the right set of goals to feel your most satisfied as you use this healthy vehicle to attain them. You need the right set of values so that you can stay the course when the seas get rough.

Some of this might sound ridiculous. It might sound too fluffy. I understand. I’ve been there too. Are you kidding me? I am a Marine Gulf War vet, ex-alcoholic, ex-felon, who was once paid to fight for a living for over two years. I still can’t stand fluffy.


I’m telling you, you need to reexamine what your entire deal on this planet is all about. I did. It’s why the title “ex” comes into play so much when describing myself. Much of the Old Kenny had to be put down. Let go. Retired.

What is bipolar disorder? It’s a confusing game of the snake chasing its tail. It’s the human form of the Gordian Knot. All of these areas feed the rest. It can be very hard to tell which one is driving all of the others. Is it the Chicken or the Egg? Which chicken? Which egg? Bipolar brings many of both.

Are you a drunk with bipolar or a bipolar person who can’t stop drinking? The answer is both. The fix is to address both simultaneously but in a way that allows you to comfortably whittle the problem down to size.

What is bipolar disorder? A distasteful feast that you patiently nibble through so that you may earn your dessert. I always tell clients, groups, friends and family alike, “You eat this elephant one bite at a time.”